Monday, February 11, 2008

Reading forces me to juggle psychoanalysis and deconstruction, which are in many ways different sets of axioms positing the same thing. For one, psychoanalytic-materialist inclinations are particularly tempting, because the content remains straightforwardly permissible. A theory of psychic self division, irreparably at odds with the social. Sublimation (psychic activity that does not aim at the immediate satisfaction of the drives, but rather, social advancement) necessarily entails psychic repression, viz. individual regression. There is thus a fundamental undecidability that pertains to the psychoanalytic intention: the setting free of man, the unleashing of repression, the death of the superego, and the accepting of repression as the necessary price for the progress of civilization. If psychoanalysis offers the deconstruction of the subject, and the limited but limitless gap between subject and object, deconstruction offers the deconstruction of ontology, and general designation, as demonstrated through the (material) medium of language. Deconstruction qua the literary, ontological unconscious.

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